Race Film Era
Race Films (also known as Black Independent Films) were films made for Black audiences between 1915 and 1955. Leading pioneers of the start of this era include Oscar Micheaux, Nobel Johnson, Reol Productions, and Norman Film Manufacturing. The race film era is the longest-lasting era of Black Cinema.
The Race film era produced around 500 films. Of these, fewer than one hundred remains. Race films found its demand outside the Hollywood studio system, which now they have been largely forgotten by mainstream film historians. The popularity of Race films excelled throughout the African-American community. Their influence continued in Black Cinema well into the 50s, 60s, and 70s, with many of the actors making cameo appearances in many Hollywood films.
The Race film era was a classy time for Black actors. Hollywood chose Black actors to play stereotypical roles such as butlers and maids, but Race films portrayed Black actors with non-stereotypical characteristics. That was important for the image of African-Americans because of how society can define a group of people on false perceptions.
The Race film era produced around 500 films. Of these, fewer than one hundred remains. Race films found its demand outside the Hollywood studio system, which now they have been largely forgotten by mainstream film historians. The popularity of Race films excelled throughout the African-American community. Their influence continued in Black Cinema well into the 50s, 60s, and 70s, with many of the actors making cameo appearances in many Hollywood films.
The Race film era was a classy time for Black actors. Hollywood chose Black actors to play stereotypical roles such as butlers and maids, but Race films portrayed Black actors with non-stereotypical characteristics. That was important for the image of African-Americans because of how society can define a group of people on false perceptions.
- Absent (1928) [imdb]
- Ain't Misbehavin (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- All Ruzzit Buzzit (1945, Soundie)
- Am I Guilty (1940) [imdb] [Lost]
- Air Mail Special (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- Babbling Bess (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Baby Don't 'Way From Me (1946, Soundie) [imdb]
- Back Door Man (1946, Soundie) [imdb]
- Backstage Blues (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Bargain With Bullets (1937) [tcm] [library of congress] [Lost]
- Beale Street Mama (1946) [imdb]
- Beat Me, Daddy (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Betrayal, The (1948) [imdb] [Lost]
- Beware (1946) [imdb]
- Big Timers (1945) [imdb]
- Birthright (1924) [imdb] [Lost]
- Birthright (1938) [imdb]
- Black Gold (1928) [imdb] [Lost]
- Black King, The (1932) [imdb]
- Black Magic (1932) [imdb]
- Bli-Blip (1942, Soundie) [imdb]
- Block Party Revels (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Blood of Jesus, The (1941) [imdb]
- Blowtop Blues (1945) [imdb]
- Boarding House Blues (1948) [imdb]
- Body and Soul (1925) [imdb]
- Boogie Woogie Blues (1948) [imdb]
- Boy! What A Girl (1947) [imdb]
- Broken Earth, The (1936)
- Broken Strings (1940) [imdb]
- Broken Violin, The (1927) [imdb] [Lost]
- Brother Martin (1942) [imdb] [Lost]
- Bronze Buckaroo, The (1939) [imdb]
- Brute, The (1920) [imdb] [Lost]
- Bubbling Over (1934) [imdb]
- Bull-Dogger, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Burden of Race, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Burlesque in Harlem (1949) [imdb]
- By Right of Birth (1921) [imdb]
- Caldonia (1945) [imdb]
- Call of His People, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Cats Can't Dance (1945, Soundie)
- Caravan (1942, Soundie)
- Chicago After Dark (1946) [imdb]
- Come On, Cowboy! (1948) [imdb] [Lost]
- Comes Midnight (1940) [imdb] [Lost]
- Conjure Woman, The (1926) [imdb] [Lost]
- Corn Pone (1944, Soundie)
- Count Me Out (1946, Soundie)
- Crimson Skull, The (1922) [imdb] [Lost]
- Cryin' and Singin' the Blues (1945, Soundie)
- Dance Revels (1944, Soundie) [imdb]
- Dark Manhattan (1937) [imdb]
- Darktown Revue, The (1931) [imdb]
- Daughter of the Congo (1930), A [imdb] [Lost]
- Deceit (1923) [imdb] [Lost]
- Devil's Daughter, The (1939) [imdb]
- Devil's Disciple, The (1925) [imdb] [Lost]
- Dirty Gertie From Harlem U.S.A. (1946) [imdb]
- Dispossessed Blues (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Double Deal (1939) [imdb]
- Dreamer, The (1948) [imdb] [Lost]
- Dress Rehearsal (1939) [imdb]
- Drums O' Voodoo (1934, a.k.a She Devil) [imdb]
- Duke Is Tops, The (1938) [imdb]
- Dungeon, The (1922) [imdb] [Lost]
- Easy Street (1930) [imdb]
- Ebony Parade (1947) [imdb] [Lost]
- Eleven P.M. (1928) [imdb]
- Easy Money (1922) [imdb] [Lost]
- Everyone's Jumpin' Now (1946, Soundie) [Library of Congress]
- Exile, The (1931) [imdb]
- Fight Never Ends, The (1948) [imdb] [Lost]
- Fight That Ghost (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Flame of Wrath, The (1923) [imdb]
- Flaming Crisis, The (1924) [imdb] [Lost]
- Flying Ace, The (1926) [imdb]
- Four Shall Die (1940) [imdb] [Lost]
- Gang Smashers (1938) [imdb]
- Gang War (1940) [imdb]
- Georgia Rose (1930) [imdb] [Lost]
- Giant of His Race, A (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Gig and Saddle (1933) [imdb]
- Girl From Chicago, The (1932) [imdb]
- Girl In Room 20 (1946) [imdb]
- Go Down, Death! (1945) [imdb]
- God's Stepchildren (1938) [imdb]
- Going to Glory, Come To Jesus (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Gone Harlem (1938) [imdb] [Lost]
- Green-Eyed Monster, The (1919) [imdb] [Lost]
- Gunsaulus Mystery, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Half-Past Jump Time (1945, Soundie)
- Harlem After Midnight (1934) [imdb] [Lost]
- Harlem Follies (1950) [Lost]
- Harlem Follies of 1949 (1950) [imdb] [Lost]
- Harlem Hotshots (1945) [imdb]
- Harlem is Heaven (1932) [imdb]
- Harlem on the Prairie (1937) [imdb] [Lost]
- Harlem Rides The Range (1939) [imdb]
- Heaven-Bound Travelers (1935)
- Hell-Bound Train (1930)
- Hey Lawdy Mama (1944, Soundie) [imdb]
- Hi-De-Ho (1947) [imdb]
- His Great Chance (1923) [tcm]
- Homesteader, The (1919) [imdb] [Lost]
- Hot Biskits (1931) [imdb]
- Hot Chocolate (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- House Behind the Cedars, The (1927) [imdb] [Lost]
- House-Rent Party (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Hypocrite, The (1921) [imdb]
- I Dreamt I Dwelt in Harlem (1941, Soundie)
- I Had A Dream (1945, Soundie)
- I Want a Big Fat Mama (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- Is You Is, or Is You Ain't My Baby? (1944, Soundie) [imdb]
- It Happened In Harlem (1945) [imdb]
- Jam Session (1942, Soundie) [imdb]
- Jazz Hounds, The (1922) [tcm] [Lost]
- Jivin' In Be-Bop (1946) [imdb]
- Joint Is Jumpin', The (1949) [imdb]
- Juke Joint (1947) [imdb]
- Junction 88 (1947) [imdb]
- Law of Nature, The (1917) [imdb] [Lost]
- Life Goes On [a.k.a. His Harlem Wife] (1938) [imdb] [Lost]
- Look-Out Sister (1947) [imdb]
- Low Down Dog (1944, Soundie)
- Low, Short, and Squatty (1946, Soundie)
- Love In Syncopation (1946) [Lost]
- Lucky Gamblers (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Lucky Ghost (1942) [imdb]
- Lure of a Woman, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Lying Lips (1939) [imdb]
- Man's Duty, A (1919) [imdb] [Lost]
- Mantan Messes Up (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Mantan Runs For Mayor (1946) [imdb] [Lost]
- Marching On! [a.k.a. Where's My Man To-Nite?] (1943) [imdb]
- Marcus Garland (1925) [imdb]
- Mercy, the Mummy Mumbled (1918) [imdb]
- Midnight Ace, The (1928) [imdb]
- Midnight Menace (1946) [imdb]
- Midnight Shadow (1939) [imdb]
- Mildred and Bow: The Quality Sisters in Boogie Woogie (1940s, Soundie)
- Millionaire, The (1927) [imdb] [Lost]
- Miracle in Harlem (1948) [imdb]
- Mississippi Moods (1937) [imdb]
- Mr. Adam's Bomb (1949) [imdb]
- Mr. Smith Goes Ghost (1940) [imdb]
- Mr. Washington Goes To Town (1941) [imdb] [Lost]
- Modern Cain, A (1921) [imdb]
- Moon Over Harlem (1939) [imdb]
- Murder in Harlem (1935) [imdb]
- Murder on Lenox Avenue (1941) [imdb]
- Murder With Music [a.k.a. Mistaken Identity] (1941) [imdb]
- Mystery In Swing (1940) [imdb]
- No Time For Romance (1948) [imdb]
- Nobody's Children (1920) [imdb] [Lost]
- Notorious Elinor Lee, The (1940) [imdb]
- Of One Blood (1944) [imdb]
- Old Man Mose (1942, Soundie)
- One Big Mistake (1940) [imdb] [Lost]
- One Dark Night (1938) [imdb] [Lost]
- One Round Jones (1941) [imdb] [Lost]
- O'Voutie O'Rooney (1947) [imdb]
- Paper Doll (1942, Soundie)
- Paradise in Harlem (1939) [imdb]
- Peanut Man, The (1947) [imdb]
- Phantom of Kenwood (1933) [imdb]
- Pigmeat Throws the Bull (1945) [imdb]
- Pigmeat's Laugh Hepcats (1944) [imdb] [Lost]
- Policy Man (1938) [imdb] [Lost]
- Prince of His Race, A (1926) [imdb][Lost]
- Professor Creeps (1942) [imdb] [Lost]
- Realization of a Negro's Ambition, The (1916) [imdb] [Lost]
- Reckless Rover, A (1918) [imdb]
- Reet, Petite and Gone (1947) [imdb]
- Reform School [a.k.a. Prison Bait] (1939) [imdb] [Lost]
- Reformation (1920) [imdb]
- Regeneration (1923) [imdb]
- Return of Mandy's Husband, The (1947) [imdb] [Lost]
- Reverend S. S. Jones - Home Movies [1924-1928]
- Rhapsody of Negro Life (1949) [imdb]
- Rhythm and Blues Revue (1955) [imdb]
- Rhythm in a Riff (1947) [imdb]
- Rhythm Rodeo (1938) [imdb]
- Rock 'n' Roll Revue (1955) [imdb]
- Romance on the Beat (1945) [Library of Congress]
- Sandin' Joe (1945, Soundie)
- Scar of Shame, The (1927) [imdb]
- Schemers, The (1922) [imdb] [Lost]
- Secret Sorrow, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Sepia Cinderella (1947) [imdb]
- Sepia Sirens: Jungle Dance (1940s, Soundie)
- Sepia Sirens: Pearl Harbor Hula, The (1940s, Soundie)
- She's Too Hot To Handle (1944, Soundie)
- She's Too Mean For Me (1948) [imdb] [Lost]
- Simp, The (1921) [imdb]
- Smiling Hate (1924) [tcm]
- Son of Ingagi (1940) [imdb]
- Son of Satan (1924), A [imdb] [Lost]
- Souls of Sin (1949) [imdb]
- Spider's Web, The (1927) [imdb] [Lost]
- Spirit of the Youth (1938) [imdb]
- Spitfire (1922) [imdb] [Lost]
- Sport of the Gods, The (1921) [imdb] [Lost]
- Square Joe (1922) [imdb]
- Spying the Spy (1918) [imdb]
- Stars on Parade (1946) [imdb]
- Straight To Heaven (1939) [imdb]
- Sunday Sinners (1940) [imdb]
- Swanee Showboat (1945) [imdb] [Lost]
- Swing! (1938) [imdb]
- Swingin' on Nothing (1942, Soundie)
- Symbol of the Unconquered, The (1920) [imdb]
- Take Me Back, Baby (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- Take My Life [a.k.a. Murder Rap] (1942) [imdb] [Lost]
- Tall, Tan, Terrific (1946) [imdb]
- Temptation (1935) [imdb] [Lost]
- Ten Minutes to Live (1932) [imdb]
- Ten Nights in a Barroom (1926) [imdb]
- That Man of Mine (1946) [imdb]
- Thirty Years Later (1928) [imdb]
- This Joint Is Jumpin' (1941, Soundie) [imdb]
- Ties of Blood (1921) [imdb]
- Tillie (1945, Soundie) [imdb]
- Toot That Trumpet (1943, Soundie) [imdb]
- Trooper of Troop K, A (1916) [imdb]
- Two-Gun Man From Harlem (1938) [imdb]
- Two Knights of Vaudeville (1915) [imdb]
- Two of a Kind (1955)
- Uncle Jasper's Will (1922) [imdb]
- Underworld (1937) [imdb]
- Up Jumped The Devil (1941) [imdb] [Lost]
- Vanities, The (1946) [imdb]
- Veiled Aristocrats (1932) [imdb]
- Verdict: Not Guilty (1933) [imdb]
- Virgin of Seminole, The (1923) [imdb] [Lost]
- Wages of Sin (1929) [imdb] [Lost]
- We the Cats Shall Hep Ya (1945, Soundie) [imdb]
- What a Guy (1947) [imdb] [Lost]
- What Goes Up (1939) [imdb]
- When Men Betray (1928) [imdb]
- While Thousands Cheer (1940) [imdb] [Lost]
- Widow's Bite, The (1929) [imdb]
- Within Our Gates (1920) [imdb]
- Woman's a Fool (1947) [imdb]