"Head of State" (2003) is a political comedy written, directed, starring, and co-produced by Chris Rock. Ali LeRoi co-wrote with Rock. This film was Chris Rock's directional debut, which features an all-star cast including Bernie Mac, Lynn Whitfield, Dylan Baker, Nick Searcy, James Rebhorn, Tamala Jones, and several cameos by celebrities. The movie grossed $38 million on a $35 million budget and received many negative reviews from critics. However, it's still a classic comedy with an admiral message within and memorable characters.
Director: Chris Rock
Writer: Chris Rock, Ali LeRoi
Starring Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, Dylan Baker, Nick Searcy, Lynn Whitfield, Robin Givens, Tamala Jones, James Rebhorn, Keith David, Tracy Morgan, Stephanie March, Robert Stanton, Jude Ciccolella, Nate Dogg
A Washington, D.C., public servant, Mays Gilliam (Chris Rock), is thrust into the national spotlight when he's asked by Martin Geller (Dylan Baker), the head of the Democratic Party, to run for president after the party's presidential and vice-presidential nominees are killed in a plane crash. The odds are against Gilliam, mainly because he has a penchant for telling the truth about what is wrong with the country. Remarkably, his straight-talking style catches on with the public.
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