The mission of The Department of Afro-American Research Arts and Culture to identify the global significance of the creative contributions pioneered by an international diaspora of Blackness
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Monday, July 18, 2016

Kiss Shot (1989)


Fresh from her Oscar winning role in Ghost, the delightful Whoopi Goldberg is right on cue for comedy. Whoopi is unmissable as a single mother with double trouble. Threatened with the repossession of her home by the bank she needs to make some serious money ... quick! Dubbed the 'Queen of Eight-Ball' in her teens she decides to try and make a killing as a pool room hustler. Fleecing a string of macho male opponents with her accuracy and prowess. But a handsome playboy opponent offers to help bail her out of her troubles but as they fall in love fail into trouble and debt himself leaving Whoopie faced with a double debt and needing to hustle pool again and make the ultimate kill shot!