"Graffiti Bridge" (1990) is a music-drama film written and directed by Prince. Some consider the movie a sequel to his 1984 "Purple Rain." However, only a few of the same characters were in "Graffiti Bridge, " including Prince, Morris Day, and Jerome Benton. Despite this movie being a sequel, not much of the original story rolled over from "Purple Rain." Instead, Prince took an artistic, spiritual, sexual, and abstract approach to this movie. Additional cast members are Ingrid Chavez and Robin Power. There are also performances by George Clinton, Mavis Staples, and Tevin Campbell. Unfortunately, the film did not do well at the box office, grossing over $4 million on a $7 million budget. Yet, the soundtrack had better reception reaching number six US Billboard 200 and US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.
Director: Prince
Writer: Prince
Starring Prince, Morris Day, Jerome Benton, Ingrid Chavez, Robin Power, Jill Jones, George Clinton, Mavis Staples, Tevin Campbell, The Time, T.C. Ellis
"The Kid" (Prince) struggles to maintain control of the Glam Slam nightclub where he plays. Morris Day is the godfather of the nightclub scene and tries to force the Kid out. The Kid is about to succumb when Aura, a sensual guardian angel-type character (Chavez), comes to Prince's aid.