"Major Payne" (1995) is a comedy film directed by Nick Castle and stars Damon Wayans as the title character. Wayans was also an executive producer (the third film he produced then) and co-wrote the screenplay. Additional actors include Karyn Parsons, Orlando Brown, Steven Martini, and Albert Hall. Universal Pictures distributed the film, which grossed over $30 million. Wayans was a year removed from making "Blankman," so many of his target audience rolled into "Major Payne," which has a more considerable crossover appeal.
Director: Nick Castle
Writers: Joe Connelly, Bob Mosher, William Roberts, Richard Alan Simmons, Dean Lorey, Damon Wayans, Gary Rosen
Starring Damon Wayans, Karyn Parsons, Orlando Brown, Steven Martini, Albert Hall, Michael Ironside, Damien Dante Wayans, R. Stephen Wiles, Chris Owen, Mark W. Madison, Andrew Leeds, Stephen Coleman, Peyton Chesson-Fohl, Joseph Blaire, Bam Bam Bigelow
Maj. Benson Payne (Damon Wayans) lives, breathes, and sleeps war. But after being honorably discharged from the Marines due to a lack of wars, Payne, the natural-born killer, has absolutely no idea how to cope with everyday civilian life. Fortunately, before he completely breaks down, Payne finds his way back into a military capacity at Madison Preparatory School, leading a group of misfit JROTC students who don't want to be led. Whipping these kids into shape might be his most brutal battle yet.
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