"Spirit Lost" (1996) was an erotic horror directed by Neema Barnette. BET Films and United Image Entertainment (Tim Reid's production company) produced the movie, a straight-to-home video release by Artisan Entertainment (formerly Live Entertainment). The movie stars Leon, Regina Taylor, Cynda Williams, Tamara Tunie, and Juanita Jennings.
Reid filmed the movie in Virginia, one of many movies he made under his production company. Other films include "Out-of-Sync," "Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored," and "Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad." Reid and Neema Barnette worked together in previous films and television shows as far as 1987 when she directed a couple of episodes of "Frank's Place," which starred Reid.
The "Spirit Lost" storyline was unique for black cinema but straightforward—a married couple movies into their new seaside home, where a ghost resides. However, this ghost (Cynda Williams) is seductive and jealous and intends to run off the pregnant wife (Regina Taylor) so that she can have John (Leon) to herself. This film has an artistic nature, even with its B-movie atmosphere.
In hindsight, Reid had something going for black cinema. He wasn't just producing movies. He was employing black filmmakers while simultaneously worth with T.V. networks. His movies had substance, were thoughtful, and diverse in genre. "Spirit Lost" is an adult movie with sexual nature, but there isn't any blood, gore, or obscene language.
Director: Neema Barnette
Writers: Joyce Renee Lewis, Nancy Thayer, Shirley Pierce
Starring Leon, Regina Taylor, Cynda Williams, Tamara Tunie, Juanita Jennings, Frank Hoyt Taylor, James Avery, Reed R. McCants, Yvonne Erickson, Chris Northup
An artist, John (Leon), and his wife, Willy (Regina Taylor), move to a seaside home that is haunted by a jealous and seductive ghost (Cyndia Williams). As the couple starts to settle in, John begins this supernatural affair that strains the couple's marriage. However, only John can see the ghost, and his behavior grows concerning for his pregnant wife, who hires a nurse (Juanita Jennings) to help around the house as her husband is now unreliable. With John becoming increasingly unhinged, how will the couple survive this terrifying ordeal?