"Love Songs" (1999) is a made-for-television drama aired on Showtime. It stars Andre Braugher, Robert Townsend, and Louis Gossett Jr., who each directed a film segment. Charles Fullers wrote three segments called "A Love Song for Champ" (directed by Gossett Jr.), "A Love Song for Jean and Ellis" (directed by Townsend), and "A Love Song for Dad" (directed by Braugher).
Directors: Andre Braugher, Robert Townsend, Louis Gossett Jr.
Writer: Charles Fullers
Starring Robert Townsend, Rachael Crawford, Carl Gordon, Djanet Sears, Don Dickinson, Michael Anthony Rawlins, Andre Braugher, Lynn Whitfield, Brent Jennings, Louis Gossett Jr., Sandra Caldwell, Dulé Hill, Kim Brockington, Phillip Jarrett, Johnie Chase, Ed Wheeler, Alison Sealy-Smith
Louis Gossett, Jr, Robert Townsend, and Andre Braugher come together to each direct a short story, all interconnected through themes of love and family. Set in the same predominantly black neighborhood in North Philadelphia, these three compelling tales tell the stories of an up-and-coming heavyweight boxer, a vegetable vendor, and a man who must protect a family member from the abuse of another.