- Chris Rock
Chris Rock brings his critically acclaimed brand of social commentary-themed humor to this 1999 standup comedy presentation from HBO. Also released as an album, Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker features Rock on-stage extolling his razor-sharp wit and wisdom on such topics as gun control, President Clinton, homophobia, racism, black leaders, and relationships.
Chris Rock really brings it in Bigger & Blacker. He has his moments in this HBO special. Some parts drag along a bit but then he gets going and it by far makes up for it. He covers many topics such as marriage, politics, gun control, and other social issues. However i wouldn't recommend this show to anyone that can't stand some cursing. Okay a lot of cursing. Only other thing you might have to worry about is busting a gut from laughing so hard. This show was hilarious. I found it much better than "Never Scared". I wish there were more stand-ups like this out there. Rock puts many comics to shame.